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Each person featured in the show selected an object that holds special significance or represents an aspect of their identity. Here, you will find the statements they provided, sharing the personal reasons and stories behind their choices, offering a deeper insight into their lives and the meaningful connections they have with these objects.

"My Cinderella watch holds special meaning to me. It was given to my mom by her mom. When I was younger, I loved it and wanted to wear it all the time. My mom wouldn't let me wear it though because she thought I would break it."

"The diversity flag holds profound significance for me as an individual in an interracial relationship with mixed-race children. It symbolizes the challenges I've faced due to discrimination. My commitment to addressing these issues is evident through my active involvement in committees that work towards promoting equality within our community."

"The stuffed bunny holds different meanings to me. It was a gift I received on my 1st birthday and gives me comfort. For years I've believed that rabbits are gender fluid. I feel like everything is fluid including gender. It's just energy and we all embody variations of masculine and feminine energies and everything in between. The only thing we're limited by are socially constructed concepts we've put on gender as a society. But once you take away barriers such as language, society and even physical selves, we all have one commonality - we are all spectrum of energetic beings." 

"The teacup represents my 'me time' in the morning, a precious moment of relaxation after dropping my kids off at school. Additionally, it holds a connection to my Canadian heritage, as both my mom and grandma have cherished the tradition of tea time in the afternoon."

"The pocketknife is my signature. It is who I am, the toolman, Mr. Fix it, the jack of all trades."

"The globe, to me, symbolizes the significance of travel and exploration. Whether it's within the familiar streets of my hometown or across distant lands, the act of visiting new places, meeting new people, and trying new things has always been crucial to my personal growth, making life consistently interesting. This love for exploration took on a romantic turn when I got engaged to my now husband in the enchanting landscapes of Canada. The combination of the globe and Claddagh ring in my life summarizes the love, shared values, and adventures that have shaped who I am today."

"The Japanese flag represents my love for history and Asian culture. I have traveled to Japan and love the feel of Tokyo. I would love to live in Japan one day."

"The spider holds special meaning to me, it symbolizes my love for Spider-Man comic books and my cherished childhood fable about Anansi the spider. The love I have for Spider-Man comics has become a special connection between me and my grandchildren."

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